OCB Mind Muscle Classic


OCB Mind Muscle Classic (Pro Qualifier*)

Any questions about the event can be directed to the show promoter at mindmuscleclassic@gmail.com and/or 304-404-4240
Print an OCB Mind Muscle Classic flyer and hang at the gym and/or nutrition shop you frequent: TBD
Print a Body Transformation contest flyer and hang at the gym and/or nutrition shop you frequent: TBD


Saturday April 19th, 2025


Marshall University Student Center, Don Morris Room: 1 John Marshall Dr, Huntington, WV 25755

Time & Format

Show will run straight through with a 30 minute intermission after the Men’s Physique Awards and Overall Competitions and before the Body Transformation Segment.

Segment 1: Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique 10:00 AM
Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique Group Comparisons
Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Individual Routines
Men’s Bodybuilding, Classic Physique, Awards & Overall Competitions

Segment 2: Men’s Physique 11:30 AM
Men’s Physique Group Comparisons
Men’s Physique Individual Routines
Men’s Physique Awards & Overall Competitions

Segment 3: Body Transformers 1:00 PM
Body Transformers will read their Essays Individually
Body Transformer Awards

Segment 4: Women’s Physique & Figure 2:00 PM
Women’s Physique & Figure Group Comparisons
Women’s Physique & Figure Individual Routines
Women’s Physique & Figure Awards & Overall Competitions

Segment 5: Women’s Wellness & Bikini 3:30 PM
Women’s Wellness & Bikini Group Comparisons
Women’s Wellness & Bikini Individual Routines
Women’s Wellness & Bikini Awards & Overall Competitions


Tickets sold at the door for General Seating are nontransferable & nonrefundable. Cash is encouraged to keep the admission line moving, no checks will be accepted (please tell your family and friends). Online Advance Ticket sales (also General Seating) will close on Wednesday, April 16th, 2025.
Adult General Admission (For any & all segments): $40 Child Admission (under age 12): $10 Trainers Ticket: Good for back stage access entrance and audience admission. One trainer max per competitor: $65

Entry Fees & Deadlines

Entry Fee: $90 If entry is received by Tuesday, April 1st, 2025.
Entry fee for each additional class (Crossover fee): $50
After April 1st an additional late entry fee of $50 applies to everyone. Monday, April 7th, 2025 is the final date entries accepted.
*Please note that all entry fees are non-transferrable and non-refundable.
OCB Membership Fee: Must be obtained prior to the contest at ocbonline.com. Competitors must show proof of current OCB Membership at contest Pre-Registration on Friday, April 18th. *Please note that it is the responsibility of each athlete to obtain an OCB Membership prior to 4/18/25.
Polygraph Testing Fee: $60cash only please payable directly to the examiner at the time of testing on Friday, 4/18/2025 at Registration at the Contest Registration at the hotel.


Men's Bodybuilding: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 40+, Age 50+, Age 60+, Open
Men's Physique: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 40+, Age 50+, Age 60+, Open
Men's Classic Physique: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 40+, Age 50+, Age 60+
Women's Physique: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 35+, Age 50+, Age 60+, Open
Figure: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice (Under 5' 4" and 5' 4" and over), Age 35+, Age 50+, Age 60+,Open (Under 5' 4" and 5' 4" and over)
Women’s Wellness: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 50+, Age 35+, Open
Bikini: Debut, Teen (ages 16 to 19), Novice, Age 60+, Age 50+, Age 35+, Open
Body Transformation Challenge: Men's & Women's

*Physically Challenged and Armed Forces & First Responder are available in every category.
*Promoter reserves the right to add or drop classes based on the number of competitors entered. PLEASE send your entry form in by Early Entry Deadline of 4/1/2025
Debut Division: Never competed. This is your first competition ever. Teen Division: Open only to those who are ages 16 to 19. Novice Division: Open only to those who have not placed first in any class besides Teen within any division in the same category (Ex. Figure) with any organization (unless only competitor in the class). Eligibility will be verified during polygraph testing. Masters Divisions: Open only to those falling into the stipulated age range(ex. Women 35+ is age thirty five and over & Men 40+ is age forty and over). Open Division: Open to anyone regardless of age and level of experience. Armed Forces & First Responders Division: Open to anyone who has served in the United States Army, Marine Corps, Navy, Air Force and Coast Guard and/or Police, Fire, EMT etc.


When more than one class in a division, classes are formed by dividing competitors evenly by height.

Entering More than One Division (Crossover Entries)

A crossover entry is entering more than one division within a category. For example, someone may enter the Novice division, if eligible, and also crossover into the Open division and compete in it as well. Competitors may not participate in more than one category (Bikini, Figure, Physique, Bodybuilding, Classic Physique) at any given show.

Competitor Meeting

There will NOT be a contestant meeting/briefing on show day. Please refer to ocbonline.com for complete details of category guidelines. All additional contest details listed here. Any contest information changes will be provided in an email to you before the show.


Awards for top 5 placements in each class.
Sculptured Awards presented to Overall Champions in every category with more than one class.
OCB OPEN Pro Card awarded to:*Overall division winners of Men’s Bodybuilding Open & Women’s Physique Open when 3 or more competitors are in the division.
*Overall division winners of Men’s Physique Open, Classic Physique Open, Figure, Wellness & Bikini Open when 5 or more competitors are in the division.
OCB MASTERS PRO Card awarded to:*1st Place winners of: Men’s Age 40+ Bodybuilding, Men’s Physique & Classic Physique when 3 or more competitors are in the class.
*1st Place winners of: Women’s Age 35+ Physique, Figure, Wellness, & Bikini when 3 or more competitors are in the class.
Best Poser Award for best Male and Female individual presentation in each category of the competition.


All competitors are required to be current members of OCB to participate in this event. If needing to obtain the annual membership, please register by a week before the event. Memberships can be purchased on OCBonline.com.
This is a natural (drug-free) competition. All competitors must meet eligibility criteria listed in the OCB drug testing guidelines in order to participate. Prior to registering, competitors should review the procedures and list of banned substances posted on OCBonline.com

Banned Substances Screening Methods

All competitors are required to be polygraph tested prior to competing. In addition, all OCB pro qualifying placement winners are required to provide a urine specimen immediately after the conclusion of the event for urinalysis.

Check-Ins/Drug Screenings

Registration will be held at the contest hotel, Double Tree By Hilton Huntington, on Friday, April 18th, 2025 from 1:00 to 8:00 pm where polygraph testing will also take place.
Height’s will be checked and Men’s Open Bodybuilders will weigh in. *Teen and Masters Contestants must present Driver’s License or valid ID as proof of age. Contestant numbers and tee shirts will be given out at this time.*Note: All Teen competitors must have parent or guardian present as well as sign a teen athlete waiver.
Polygraph testing is required for all competitors. Please see the UPDATED WADA Banned Substances Link: ocbonline.com Polygraph testing will take place on Friday 4/18/25 at the contest host hotel, Double Tree By Hilton Huntington, from 1:00 to 8:00 pm. Please make your polygraph appointment as soon as possible at this scheduling link: TBA
Polygraph fee is $60 payable in cash or money order to the polygraph examiner at the time of testing. Photo identification is required. It is the competitor’s responsibility to ensure they are polygraph tested for the event. If any competitors are not polygraph tested for this event, they are ineligible for competition. Polygraph test results are valid for other amateur OCB shows held within 3 weeks. View the upcoming OCB schedule of shows.
Results from recent polygraph exams performed by the OCB will accepted within a strict three-week period. *HOWEVER PLEASE NOTE that you must present proof of your previously passed polygraph (if you competed in another show) to the promoter via email by Monday, April 7th, 2025 at mindmuscleclassic@gmail.com. It is the competitor’s responsibility to show proof of a previously passed polygraph test by Monday, April 7th, 2025

Host Hotel

Double Tree By Hilton Huntington: 1001 3rd Ave, Huntington, WV 25701
Click HERE to book a room!

Backstage Policy

*ONE (1) assistant/trainer per competitor allowed- NO EXCEPTIONS! Every assistant/trainer MUST buy a Trainers Ticket which is good for General Admission and back stage access. Children not permitted back stage. *Please Note: Trainers tickets are nontransferable and nonrefundable – NO EXCEPTIONS! *Please bring your own pump-up equipment. Mirrors will be provided.

Photography Coverage

Photographer: Ana Corsmeier
Schedule your photos here!

Video Recording Policy

Competitors and friends/family are welcome to bring recording devices. Please no flash photography.

Spray Tanning Services

Spray tanning services will be available from OnStage Beauty
For details, and to book appointments: www.OnStagebeauty.com
586-292-5161 | info@onstagebeauty.com

Hair & Make-Up Services

Spray tanning services will be available from OnStage Beauty
For details, and to book appointments: www.OnStagebeauty.com
586-292-5161 | info@onstagebeauty.com

Additional Drug Testing

Urine (sample collection) testing is required for All OCB Pro Card recipients immediately following their perspective award ceremony. Please have your current driver’s license with you for testing ID. Pro Card recipients that do not produce a urine sample with our medical staff before leaving the contest venue will forfeit their OCB Pro Card and contest placement. No Exceptions! (Urine testing is the promoter’s expense.) All competitors are subject to additional forms of testing, if requested, at the discretion and expense of the promoter. Please see the UPDATED OCB Banned Substances Link: ocbonline.com

Event Sponsorship Opportunities (Businesses Interested in Sponsoring the Event)

Link: TBA

If you need assistance with coaching for your contest preparation please contact:

Dr. Josh Williams, CEO Strength Rituall LLC, NASM- Physique & Bodybuilding Coach, Mental Performance Consultant, Competition Promoter, OCB Judge.
Email: strengthritual@gmail.com
