OCB Amateur Guidelines


Competitors are required to be current members of OCB to compete in OCB events. Any participants not fullfilling the Membership requirement are subject to disqualification. All OCB events are open to participants from any state and any country. Competitors must be able to speak English for purposes of polygraph screenings. Competitors must be age 16 or over. Competitors under 18 must have parental consent. Competitors cannot have used any substance on the OCB banned list during the duration periods specified on the list.

OCB Yorton Cup Championships

The Yorton Cup is OCB's preeminent annual event. It's considered the top title within the organization (read the story behind the event). For eligibility criteria, view the Pro Guidelines page.

Drug Testing

All participants are required to pass polygraph screenings prior to competitions (polygraph test results from OCB may be honored for amateur OCB shows held within three weeks from the contest where testing took place). In addition to polygraph testing, pro qualifying placement winners must pass a urine test.

Many of the substances on the OCB Banned Substance list cannot have been used within 7 years of the contest date. OCB uses polygraph screenings as one of its means of screening for banned substance use because many anabolic steroids and other banned substances are no longer detectable in urine within several weeks from last use, and growth hormone use cannot be detected with the routine urine testing done for anabolic compounds.

 Drug use isn't always about just gaining muscle size. Sometimes certain banned substances are used to gain an unfair advantage in getting leaner and more shapely.


Categories offered include: Women's Bikini, Women's Wellness, Men's Bodybuilding, Men's Classic Physique, Women's Figure, Men's Physique, and Women's Physique. Competitors can compete in only one category at a particular show.


Divisions offered at events are based on age and level of experience. Divisions offered at a particular event are at the event promoter’s discretion. The most common divisions typically offered are:

  • Debut: First competition ever. Competitors cannot have ever competed in any category with any organization.
  • Novice: Cannot have placed first in any class besides Teen, within any division, within any category, with any organization or at any independent event, with the exception of cases where first place was won in a class where the competitor was the only one in the class.
  • Open: Open to everyone regardless of age and level of experience.
  • Age: Age as of day of contest must fall within the stipulated age range (Ex: Age 50 & Over).
  • Teen: Ages 16-19. *under age 18 with parental consent
  • Junior: Age 22 and under. *under age 18 with parental consent


When divisions have more than one class, the majority of OCB events divide groups into as equal as possible parts by height based on total number of entries in a division. Formation of classes within divisions at a show is at a promoter's discretion though, and could sometimes be done by using specified height or weight ranges. Check a specific event's details to see which method will be used for a particular event.


  • The required minimum age for participation in an OCB contest is 16. Proof of age must be provided at the time of contest check-in.
  • A parent or legal guardian must accompany the minor to check-in and be present backstage.
  • A signed waiver is required of all minors as well as their parent/guardian and will be presented during check-in.
  • Scoring

    Each judge takes all criteria for a category into account and assigns one overall score for each contestant in the form of rank during the group comparison rounds. A highest and lowest rank for each competitor is dropped as a safeguard against human error and/or bias, whether intentional or on a subconscious level. The remaining judges' placements are summed, and the competitor with the lowest sum total receives 1st place in the class. Second lowest sum receives 2nd place, and so on. In cases of ties, competitors ranked higher by the majority of all judges are awarded the higher placements (see video example). In cases of three-way ties, the head judge's scores are referenced to determine tie-breaking placements. Individual presentations are not factored into scoring but do count toward consideration for Best Poser awards when offered.


    OCB pro cards are awarded in the Open, Masters Age 35+ (women), or Age 40+ (men) divisions when the following number of athletes in a class appear on stage:

  • Open Men’s Physique, Men’s Classic Physique, Women's Wellness and Women’s Bikini: 5
  • Open Men’s Bodybuilding, Women's Figure and Open Women’s Physique: 3
  • Masters Age 35+ women’s categories: 3
  • Masters Age 40+ men’s categories: 3
  • Competitors who win a pro-qualifying placement in a Masters Age 35+ (women) or Masters Age 40+ (men) divisions are eligible only for their Master Age pro divisions. Masters competitors who win pro-qualifying placements in an Open division are considered eligible for both OCB Pro Open and OCB Pro Masters contests.

    Competitors who qualify as OCB pros for any category are considered eligible for all OCB pro categories of their sex. Competitors may not compete in more than one category at any given OCB pro show.


    Remember, you are not alone on stage. Family, friends, other competitors, and hundreds of strangers are watching you. If you're disappointed with a placement, carry yourself as a professional during and after the awards presentations. After the show ask the judges for feedback. When speaking to them, you may discover their reasoning for your placement. You may understand their decisions more and get helpful insight for future competitions. Everyone in the show worked hard, so don't allow poor sportsmanship to ruin the event for others. Any competitors or coaches who exhibit what OCB deems as poor sportsmanship at the event or on social media are subject to disqualification and may be banned from future OCB events.

    OCB Code of Conduct

    Athletes, coaches, and spectators are to refrain from using threatening or foul language while at OCB events.

    Athletes, coaches, and spectators are not permitted to sit in the row of seats located directly behind the judging table.

    Athletes, coaches, and spectators cannot approach the judging table at any point during the contest.

    Coaches, family members, and friends of athletes may not request feedback on behalf of any athlete. Only athletes can receive feedback upon their request.

    Athletes and coaches are responsible for reading and understanding OCB’s Guidelines before registering for a show.

    There is to be no poaching or soliciting of athletes for coaching services or for other contests while attending OCB events.

    The marketing of other organizations’ events is strictly prohibited. Anyone caught soliciting in any form will be removed from the event and banned from attending future OCB events.

    Athletes, coaches, and spectators who violate the Code of Conduct will be escorted out of the venue without a refund and will be banned from attending future OCB contests.

    Athletes, coaches, and spectators are to model professionalism and sportsmanship.

    Coaches or spectators caught backstage without the appropriate wristband or badge will be escorted out of the venue without a refund, and their athlete will be disqualified.