Bikini Guidelines


Bikini contests consist of group comparisons and individual presentations. Two-piece suits and clear high-heeled shoes are worn for both parts. Suits can be of any color and may be decorated with crystals. Thong/T-back style suits are not permitted. Jewelry is allowed. Competitors must be age 16 or over. Competitors under 18 must have parental consent. Competitors cannot participate in any other categories at the same show. Athletes posing in an overtly sexual manner, doing anything on stage considered inappropriate for younger audiences or being disruptive to the show may be disqualified.

Judging Criteria

Judging is based on having an overall healthy looking toned body with good symmetry, fullness, balance, shape and proportion with good posture, poise, confidence, and stage presence. Other factors that can affect overall appearance are suit fit, hair and make-up, skin tone, and complexion. Bikini competitors should not display deep muscle separation, muscle striations or an abundance of muscle size.

The Bikini desired look is achieved by presenting a lightly muscled and not overly lean or hard appearing physique as compared to Figure, or Women’s Physique. The physique should display some fullness and roundness in the deltoids, some development with some fullness in the quadriceps and hamstrings and full, round, firm gluteus maximus. Abdominal region should show some muscularity but not a deeply etched and vascular appearance.

Group Comparisons

During the group comparisons portion, competitors in a class perform half turns as a group as directed by the head judge to display their physiques from the front and back. Hair should be pulled aside, if needed, to avoid obstructing view of the back in the rear pose and with hands on the front thighs (competitors may arch their backs but leaning forward is not permitted). Not performing poses in the manner specified may result in lower scoring from judges. Feet should be placed approximately shoulder width apart and not crossed. Competitors are also asked to walk a few steps toward the back of the stage and hold their back poses as a group. When directed to make a half turn and face the audience, competitors will hold their front poses as a group. The head judge will then direct the group to walk a few steps toward the front of the stage.

Front Pose

  • One hand placed on the hip on front poses, either leg is acceptable
  • The opposite arm shall hang down below the hip in a natural position
  • Lats should be open but not flared as in figure poses
  • Athlete number should be placed on hip in plain view of the judges
  • Back Pose

  • Heels spaced up to shoulder width apart
  • Lats will be open but not flared as in Figure or Women’s Physique
  • Hands shall be placed on the thighs on the back pose
  • Hair shall be swept to the front
  • A slight forward lean is acceptable; however, refrain from standing in a wide straddle or bending excessively forward in an obscene manner
  • Watch a class being judged.

    Individual Presentations

    The individual presentation portion is a stage model walk. Competitors walk out to music to rear center stage and pause briefly in a stance of choice. Competitors then walk up to front center stage and perform half turns to show the front and back views of their physiques, then walk to one side of the stage and pause briefly in a stance of choice, then to the opposite side of the stage and pause briefly in a stance of choice, then to front center stage and pause briefly in a stance of choice before exiting. The individual presentation is not factored into placement scoring but does count toward consideration for Best Presentation awards when offered.

    See the stage path.

    Watch a presentation.

    View a posing tutorial here.
