What a Huge Difference Types of Drug Testing Can Make!
If you're seeking out a truly drug-free contest to compete in
After all the time, training, dieting, and hard-earned money you invest in contest preparation, would you rather compete in a contest where other competitors haven’t used banned substances for the past few days, the past few weeks, or the past several years?
The information below explains the different types of drug testing. Knowing which type of event you're getting into could save you from experiencing disappointment at the end of your competition journey due to ending up on stage at a non-OCB event where there may not be a truly level playing field (and Bikini competitors, don’t think you’re exempt - use of banned substances is not always about gaining large muscle size. Some substances more popular with females are used to aid in getting leaner and gaining more shape to gain an unfair advantage. And approximately half the competitors who don’t pass polygraph tests at OCB shows are Bikini competitors!).
“Natural/Drug-Free/Drug-Tested”. Why are three different terms for trying to convey fair events (meaning people who are and have been drug-free for years)? Well, they’re often used interchangeably, depending on the TYPE of drug testing performed at an event. Any of them could mean contestants have to not have used banned substances within the past few days, the past few weeks, or the past several years.
Urine testing only, where urine specimens are collected on
day’s events take place and participants know ahead of time
when samples will be drawn, can be passed rather easily,
despite recent drug use. Some oral anabolic steroids can be
used all the way up to as little as only few days before an
event and not be detected in a urine sample collected the
day of the contest. Masking agents can also be used to
“beat” a urine test when it’s known when a sample will be
collected. And the majority of injectable steroids clear an
individual’s system and are no longer detectable in urine
after around 6 weeks from last use. Also, standard sports
urine testing panels don’t screen for human growth hormone.
Someone could use it all the way up to and through an event
and not test positive for it. Are these situations what you
would really consider to be drug-free competitions?DRUG-FREE FOR UP TO 7 YEARS?
Some may argue that polygraphs tests (read all about how the polygraph test works), AKA lie detector tests, are imperfect (mostly all the time by people who know practically nothing about the process at all). However, it is the only method that enables attempted detection of any banned substances use for up to specific periods of time (such as 7 years, for example - the duration competitors must be drug-free for many substances on OCB’s banned substance list). OCB also performs urine testing on all pro-qualifying placement winners at all its contests as an extra precaution. In attempts to broaden effectiveness and thoroughness of a drug testing program, OCB is implementing year-round random urine testing for pros starting in 2020 (once certain practices have been finalized to enable doing so in a fair manner where all have equal chance of being selected). Unanticipated urine testing is much more likely to identify individuals using banned substances than testing on days athletes are expecting to be tested is. Know what you’re getting into with contests simply marketed as being “natural, drug-free, or drug-tested”. And please, do your part as a truly natural competitor and help spread awareness to other competitors to avoid potential disappointment by participating in contests marketed as being “natural, drug-free, or drug-tested” when some of those shows could really be far from being those things.
The organization ONLY promotes natural, drug-tested events. Organizations that offer an option are NOT committed to natural competition.The organization utilizes polygraph testing at ALL of its contests to deter cheaters from entering and to catch cheaters before they get on stage.
The organization collects urine from everyone qualifying to compete at the pro level consistently at EVERY contest.
The organization supplies lab reports from urine tests to all competitors who provided samples (so competitors KNOW their sample was actually sent to a lab and tested!).
The organization does NOT award cash payouts to pro athletes until urinalysis results have been received. If an organization hands out an actual check to pros at the show BEFORE urine tests have been submitted, they are NOT testing!