OCB Cleveland Battle of the Great Lakes Naturals

September 12, 2020 - Cleveland, OH

Men's Physique Novice
1st Maurelatos, Micheal #52
2nd Windle, Christoper #50
Men's Physique Open
1st Nossa, Jonathan #51
2nd Maurelatos, Micheal #52
3rd Windle, Christoper #50
4th Sandlin, Ricky #53
5th Dehayer, Alex #48
6th Montgomery, Jason #49
Men's Physique Over Age 40
1st Nossa, Jonathan #51
2nd Maurelatos, Micheal #52
3rd Sandlin, Ricky #53
4th Montgomery, Jason #49
Men's Classic Physique Novice
1st Padmore, Lloyd #47
2nd Armstrong, Robbie #45
Men's Classic Physique Open
1st Padmore, Lloyd #47
2nd Riddick, Amos #46
3rd Armstrong, Robbie #45
Men's Bodybuilding Open
1st Ayers, Jashua #44
2nd Hatfield, Wesley #43
3rd Kenziora, Daniel #42
Men's Bodybuilding Over Age 40
1st Kenziora, Daniel #42
Women's Physique Novice
1st Smith, Taylor #14
Women's Physique Over Age 40
1st Hammers, Patty #15
Figure Novice
1st Perovich, Peggy #54
Figure Open
1st Lee, Alisha #57
2nd Chirila, Larissa #56
3rd Delf, Lori #55
4th Perovich, Peggy #54
Figure Over Age 40
1st Delf, Lori #55
2nd Perovich, Peggy #54
Bikini Novice
1st Cebellos, Olivia #78
2nd Mancino, Anna #79
3rd Caris, Heather #72
4th Mosser, Holly #75
5th Spak, Alexa #76
6th Caton, Christina #70
7th Sanzo, Lily #71
8th Belle, Ashlea #74
Bikini Open A
1st Cebellos, Olivia #78
2nd Wells, Sara #77
3rd Sanzo, Lily #71
4th Belle, Ashlea #74
5th Caton, Christina #70
Bikini Open B
1st Mancino, Anna #79
2nd Caris, Heather #72
3rd Mosser, Holly #75
4th Spak, Alexa #76
5th Harting, Jessica #73
Bikini Over Age 40
1st Caris, Heather #72
2nd Wells, Sara #77
3rd Mosser, Holly #75
4th Caton, Christina #70