OCB Natural PA Classic


OCB Natural PA Classic


June 21, 2025 - 10am start time and this show will run straight through with small breaks between classes. Exact timings of the classes will be sent out the week of the show.rnrn


Harrisburg Area Community College
One HACC Drive A120
Harrisburg, PA 17110
TIME: 10:00am Start


Adult General Admission $40, Under Age 12 General Admission $10: Assistant (general admission plus backstage access) $65 (only applicable to those helping a competitor prepare back stage). One assistant max per competitor is permitted. TICKETS ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.
 Online ticket sales end on June 18, 2025- after this date, tickets may be bought at the door.

Entry Fee & Deadlines

If entry is received by June 2, 2025: Entry $90. Entry fee for each additional class $70. After June 2nd, an additional late entry fee of $50 applies. June 16th is the last day entries will be accepted. ENTRY FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE.

Divisions & Class Offerings

Bikini: Teen, Novice, Open, Age 35+, Age 50+
Figure: Novice, Open, Age 35+, Age 50+
Women's Physique: Novice, Open, Age 35+
Women's Wellness: Teen, Novice, Open 35+
Men's Physique: Teen, Novice, Open , Age 40+
Men's Classic Physique: Teen, Novice, Open, Age 40+
Men's Bodybuilding: Teen, Novice, Age 40+, 50+, 60+, Open

NOVICE ELIGIBILITY: Cannot have placed first in any class (besides Teen), within any division, within any category, with any organization (with the exception of cases where first place was won in a class that only had one competitor in it).


When more than one class in a division, classes are formed by dividing competitors evenly by height.


A crossover entry is entering more than one division within a category. For example, someone may enter the Novice division, if eligible, and also crossover into the Open division and compete in it as well. Competitors may not participate in more than one category (Bikini, Figure, Physique, Bodybuilding, Classic Physique) at any given show.


The top 5 in each class will receive awards.


All competitors are required to be current members of OCB to participate in this event. If needing to obtain the annual membership, please register by a week before the event. Memberships can be purchased on OCBonline.com.

This is a natural (drug-free) competition. All competitors must meet eligibility criteria listed in the OCB drug testing guidelines in order to participate. Prior to registering competitors should review the procedures and list of banned substances posted on OCBonline.com.

Drug Test Screenings

Drug Test Screenings will be conducted on Friday, June 20th from 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the host hotel. The exact room number will be emailed to competitors the night before testing begins. To schedule your screening, please click here:TBA 

The drug test screening fee is $60 payable in cash to the examiner at the time of testing. Photo identification is required. It is the competitor's responsibility to ensure they are drug test screened for the event and have reviewed the OCB's Banned Substance list. If any competitors are not drug screen tested for this event, they are ineligible for competition. Drug test screening results are valid for other amateur OCB shows that are held within 3 weeks. Schedule your appointment so it's before your spray tanning appointment if doing both the same day.


In order to allow all contestants to have an opportunity to participate in the individual presentations segment, competitors will be introduced by name and number only, and take the stage to house music. Athletes will walk to the center of the back of the stage (there will be an "X" marking the spot), strike one pose of their choice, walk to front center stage (there will be an "X" marking the spot), strike several poses of their choice, then exit. House music will be played for a period of 30 seconds.

Host Hotel

Hampton Inn North
30 Capital Drive, Harrisburg, PA 17110
717-540-0900 (use code: OCB for the special rate)
Click HERE to book a room!

Springhill Suites Harrisburg Hershey
15 Capital Drive Harrisburg, PA 17110, 717-540-5100 (use code: OCB for the special rate)
Click HERE to book a room!

These hotels are located close to the venue. Room rates - King Suite w/sofa $199 - Double Queen w/sofa $219. PLEASE BRING YOUR OWN SHEETS AND DO NOT TAN IN THE ROOMS. THE HOTEL WILL CHARGE UP TO $1,000 FOR DAMGAE TO ANY FLOORING, BEDDING, FURNITURE, ETC.


A roster with assigned competitor numbers and class breakdowns will be emailed to competitors the Wednesday or Thursday before the show.

Backstage Policy

One assistant max per competitor is allowed backstage. The assistant MUST buy a trainer/assistant ticket, which is good for general admission and back stage access.

Competitor Prep Area

Light weights, bands and mirrors will be backstage for use in preparing to go on stage. Competitors are welcome to bring their own equipment and mirrors as well.

Video Recording Policy

Competitors and friends/family are welcome to bring recording devices.

Professional Services

Please note that the companies/individuals listed below are the official service vendors for this event. They have a proven history of providing quality services in a professional manner. Beware of other companies or individuals who may attempt to unethically promote a business, claiming to be associated with the event.

Professional Stage Photography

Rick Abt Photography
Email: Rickabt1@verizon.net

Spray Tanning Services

Spray tanning services will be available from BeachBumTanz.com. For details, and to book appointments, email BeachBumTanz@aol.com

*NOTE* Tanning products have a tendency to stain and damage clothing, sheets, and other surfaces. To purchase protective attire that will prevent staining, visit Wear & Away

Hair & Make-up Services

Hair and Make-up Services will be provided by BeachBumTanz.com. For details, and to book appointments, email BeachBumTanz@aol.com

Additional Details

Competitors must be fully covered whenever in the theatre seating area. Exposed body area that can allow tanning agent to stain seating cloth is to be avoided.

Food or drink is not permitted in the theatre. Keep coolers, etc. in backstage prep area.

Please show respect for the venue and promoters by taking care to keep on paper/plastic protected areas for tanning, oiling, and pumping up. Do not stray beyond protected areas.

Alcohol is not permitted on the premises.

Competitors will have two number buttons - one to be worn front left, other rear center, to help judges keep track of individuals during scoring.

If the head judge calls your number asking you to switch places on stage with another competitor during group comparisons, raise your hands so each person knows where they need to go.

Be sure to review the guidelines on OCBonline.com for your category prior to the event and view the poses that will be called during group comparisons, as well a description of the path that is to be followed for the stage walks.

Competitors must show their competitor number buttons to event staff in order to gain access to the back stage and auditorium areas.

There will be expediters back stage who will be advising competitors when they should be getting ready and when they should be getting lined up to go out on stage.

For group comparisons, competitors will line up near the front of the stage where a line of tape will be.

There will be large X's on the stage to mark where pausing points should be for stage walks. There will be one on rear stage center, one on front stage left, one on front stage center, and one on front stage right. These marks are positioned to be where the best lighting is. Tip: When doing walks face inward toward the middle of the audience at the side X's so the crowd and photographer gets a better view of your physique.

The facility will be accessible any time after 8:30 AM the day of the show. It's recommended competitors arrive no later than 30 minutes before the show's start time to allow enough time to get familiarized with the building layout and be ready before the start time.

There will be flyers for other area OCB shows at check-ins and in the lobby the day of the show. If you are able to take copies and post those at the gym you go to it would be greatly appreciated.

For awards presentations there will be numbers 1 through 5 taped to the stage floor. They represent placements. When a competitor is announced as winning "X" place, they should move to where that number is on the floor to receive their trophy. Trophies should be placed on the floor in front of competitors so they are not being held when a photo opportunity group pose is requested after all placements have been awarded for the class. For divisions that have more than one class, class winners should stay close after receiving their award because they will be called out with the other class winners for judging to determine division overall winners.

Winners of OCB Pro qualifying placements should stay close after going off stage for urine specimen collections.

Mandatory Competitor Meeting

9am, June 21, at the venue. Important information will be discussed and competitor numbers will be distributed.

Contact the Promoter

Any questions about the event can be directed to the show promoter at orgelboy@hotmail.com
