OCB Blaze of Glory
OCB Blaze of Glory (Pro Qualifier)
Please print a contest flyer and hang at the gym you go to.
Saturday April 12, 2025
Bijou Theater 275 Fairfield Ave, Bridgeport CT, 06604
09:00 AM
Trainer/back stage (one per competitor) $70, general admission $50, senior/military/student $30, children under 13 free. Admission tickets will be purchased through the Bijou Theater
Entry Fees & Deadlines
If entry is received by April 1st: Entry $85. Entry fee for each additional class $55. After April 1st an additional late entry fee of $50 applies. April 9th, 2025 is the last day entries will be accepted.
Division Offerings (Note the promoter is willing to add divisions, example teen, 50+ etc. if there is enough interest. )
Bikini: Debut, Teen, Novice, Age 35+, Age 45+, Open
Figure: Debut, Teen, Novice, Age 35+, Age 45+, Open
Men’s Physique: Debut, Teen, Novice, Age 40+, Open
Men’s Classic Physique: Debut, Teen, Novice, Open, 40+
Men’s Bodybuilding: Debut, Teen, Novice, Age 50+, Age 40+, Open
Women’s Physique: Debut, Teen, Novice, Age 35+, Open
NOVICE ELIGIBILITY: Cannot have placed first in any class (besides Teen), within any division, within any category, with any organization (with the exception of cases where first place was won in a class that only had one competitor in it).
When more than one class in a division, classes are formed by dividing competitors evenly by height.
Crossover Entries
A crossover entry is entering more than one division within a category. For example, someone may enter the Novice or 40+ division, if eligible, and elect to crossover into the Open division and compete in it as well. Competitors may not participate in more than one category (Bikini, Figure, Physique, Bodybuilding, Classic Physique) at any given show. Physique and Bodybuilding are not permitted.
The top 5 in each class.
All competitors are required to be current members of OCB to participate in this event. If needing to obtain the annual membership please register before March 28th. Memberships can be purchased on OCBonline.com.
This is a natural (drug-free) competition. All competitors must meet eligibility criteria listed in the OCB drug testing guidelines in order to participate. Prior to registering competitors should review the procedures and list of banned substances posted on OCBonline.com.
Banned Substances Screening Methods
All competitors are required to be polygraph tested prior to competing. In addition, all pro qualifying placement winners are required to provide a urine specimen immediately after the conclusion of the event for urinalysis testing.
Check-Ins/Drug Screenings
By appointment Friday April 11th: 9:00 AM to 7:00 PM at the host hotel. A link to sign up will be sent directly to registered competitors. The fee is $60 and is payable in cash only at the time of testing. Exact change would be appreciated. Results are valid for other OCB shows held within three weeks.
House music be used for bikini, figure and men’s physique. Women physique, bodybuilding and classic physique my use house music or provide your own. Please email a file with your music selection and any additional instructions to sulcop96@aol.com.
Host Hotel
Courtyard Shelton CT
780 Bridgeport Ave Shelton CT 06484
Last Day to Book: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Special group rate: Courtyard Shelton for 139 USD per night.
Click HERE to book a room!
Order of Events(Times subject to change based on number of entries per category, a detailed order of events will go out the week before the show)
Bodybuilding: 9am
Men Physique: 10:00am
Classic Physique: Noon
Figure & Physique: 2:00 pm
Wellness: 3:00 pm
Bikini: 4:00 pm
A roster with assigned competitor numbers and class breakdowns will be emailed to competitors the Wednesday before the show.
Backstage Policy
One assistant max per competitor is allowed backstage. The assistant MUST buy a trainer/assistant ticket, which is good for general admission and backstage access.
Competitor Prep Area
Competitors are welcome to bring their own equipment and mirrors as well.
Stage Photography Coverage
Michael Platts photography: michaelplattsphotography@gmail.com
Video Recording Policy
Competitors and friends/family are welcome to bring recording devices.
Hair & Make-Up Services
Stephanie DeNicola @ Flawlessfitness22@gmail.com.
Additional General Show Information
View additional show details and instructions on the Facebook and IG pages:
Please review the guidelines for the OCB here www.OCBonline.com. It is also recommended that coaches and athletes take the time to review the photos of past shows to see how the criteria for each division is applied. It is the combination of the criteria and the application that will help you best prepare your physique for the competition.
Spray Tanning
MB at Elite Bronzing. MB@elitebronzing.com